Sunday, May 2, 2010


Hello again!

Blogging from Ecuador for the month.

Ecuador is here

No hablo espanol. Getting used to that phrase. That and Gracias. De Nada. Smiling and nodding. These are all great for me so far. But I'm also trying to learn Spanish. Problem is I get distracted with books like these...

I brought the first two and I already finished "Hunger Games" on the plane instead of studying Spanish. Oops

At least the rest of my group can pass it around now.

I'm trying to remember to brush my teeth with the bottled water instead of the tap. That is a hard one to remember. We have done some relaxing and sight seeing so far, but tomorrow we start going to the hospital. I'm excited and a little nervous.

Best part of the day was church. The spirit is the same no matter which country it's in. Love it. But three hours was plenty of Spanish I didn't understand for the day :) At least church vocabulary is a bit easier to understand!

We saw these today!

I even got to touch one. Gross, but intriguing.

The sad thing was the children, who couldn't have been older than 5, begging for food or asking us to buy their candy. One even clung to Bethany's leg. I feel angry at the parents who make their children do it. But maybe that is what they grew up with themselves?

But the sun is shining. I heard there was snow on the ground at home this morning ha ha. I don't envy you. Maybe only the hair that has some volume - because mine has shown a lack thereof so far in this humidity.

I did accomplish a phrase of Spanish today when we got food.

"Tiene unas cajas para lleva?"
(no idea if I spelled that one right)

He even understood me! Saweet.


  1. woot woot Shea. I'm so jealous of you. Have so much fun! I'm glad you are blogging again, i've missed reading your stories. Sad I missed you before you left. Can't wait to see you. Be safe you crazy girl.

  2. Love your new blog look! Way to go on the food espanol. You will be fluent within the month :) Another great experience for you. We miss you already but its great to be reading about your adventure already...we are expecting daily updates! Be safe!!! Love ya much! Mom
